Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fix redirect virus-Google Redirect Virus Removal Tool - Huge Demand


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Computer Expert Creates
Working Google Redirect Virus Removal Tool!

The Google Redirect Virus is a "browser hijack" virus which will send your computer to fake websites when you are redirected online. In normal circumstances, Windows will be able to send you to the correct website when it is redirected, but if you have the Google Redirect Virus, the virus will "inject" its own websites into the redirect process, leading your PC to send you to random ones. This will happen for all redirects, not just search engine results... however, as most search engine results will redirect you, that's where most people see the issue.
Not many people know this, but when you click on a link on the search engine, it won't take you to the page you're looking for straight away. In fact, Google, Yahoo & Bing will all take you to a special link on Google.com / Yahoo.com / Bing.com in order to track your searches and other metrics. All search engines redirect your results, meaning that if you have
the redirect virus, it's going to show when you search for something online.
The reason why this virus is difficult to remove is because it doesn't leave any "footprint" or "trace" on your system. Unlike typical virus infections (which will place a fake file / application onto your PC), the search redirect virus will just change the redirect settings for Windows and then disappear. This means that most antivirus programs are powerless to remove it.

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