Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Those three little words...

"I Love You" is one of the most complex phrases in human communication. Or at least some days it sure seems like that!
The big issue of course is WHEN to say it. Is the time "right?" Most people worry if the other person feels the same way, and are either hoping or fearing if the other person will say it back to them or not. There are some links here to help you with those issues. Saying "I Love You" to a partner and having them say it back can be one of the coolest things in the world.
If you're looking to explore the universal language of love a bit more, there are tons of translations of the actual phrase in hundreds of different world languages.
And if you're already in love with someone, but you want to do something really special to let them know just how much you love and appreciate them in your life, there are tips and suggestions for different gestures and actions which express love and affection.

What Language To Say "I Love You?"

If you're going to work on being able to say "I love you" in different world languages, you might as well start with the language that let you communicate with the most people.
Here are the ten most-widely spoken language in the world. Totals reflect a combination of primary and secondary language speakers (meaning people for whom the language is their native tongue and people who have learned the language as a second option)
  1. Mandarin Chinese (approximately 1.12 billion speakers) - wo ai ni
  2. English (approximately 480 million speakers) - I love you
  3. Spanish (approximately 320 million speakers) - Te quiero
  4. Russian (approximately 285 million speakers) - Ya lublu tebya
  5. French (approximately 265 million speakers) - Je t'aime
  6. Hindi/Urdu (approximately 250 million speakers) - May thumhe pyaar kartha hoo
  7. Arabic (approximately 221 million speakers) - ana b'hebbek
  8. Portuguese (approximately 188 million speakers) - Eu amo-te
  9. Bengali (approximately 185 million speakers) - Aami tomaake bhaalo baashi
  10. Japanese (approximately 133 million speakers) - Kimi o ai shiteru

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