I don't read the news. I have ceased to read it when I realized that it was the main source of incoming negativity in my life. Now I catch headlines on Yahoo when I login from my email and my Facebook newsfeed.
A couple of weeks as my email I logged off, Yahoo came up with a post about a woman who had gone an entire year without any kind of beauty product. I clicked on the link, intrigued, to find out more. The article was about a book, the beauty experiment, which drew women one-year journey into the abstinence of beauty products in an attempt to rescue their self-esteem. As a new mother, she took on a self-imposed challenge, make-up, long hair, failed products and new clothes to dig the hairstyles and jewelry.
The book, which expected to 23.12.2009, inspired me to a glimpse of my own beauty routine. How many times have I cataloged the "problem areas" on my body? Compulsively plucked to keep my eyebrows to stray hairs in check? Worn by makeup to hide an outbreak? The truth is: I did it quite often. Despite the positive body image teaching technique, I discovered that I - more spent it as I comfortably - was much time focusing on my appearance.
So, I took the challenge.
Now, I'm not full throttle Phoebe Baker Hyde go as the author did, but I would like to include some principles. So far, I've gone a week without makeup. Why to choose makeup first? Because I realized that I was not makeup, use to improve my face - I was using cosmetics to hide it. I was eyeliner, mascara, Rouge, light bronzer and concealer using my face to make the face that I thought, I would hide my imperfections.
This function is very similar to many women: never leave the House, gather without completely. I admit that my outfits usually meet and I feel a bit embarrassed if people catch me wearing a mismatched sweater warm or with a line panties remain visible. Therefore, I began to question: I do these things because I like to do it or I pay so much attention, because I want my look that other users the way that I see as? Turns out I cared much more about what other people thought as I originally assumed.
The first day I was makeup-free, I had traces of makeup from the previous day. I felt safe in my ability to go at least a month without makeup. My intention was to prove me that I don't need makeup beautiful or on the way and I see way to feel confident. As the days progressed, and cleaned any semblance of makeup on my face, I started to get panic. I worried about how small are my eyes or the dark circles that form among them, get enough sleep. I was anxious that others would notice my skin in winter is pale. And horror of horrors, my skin within the first week broke out.
Last week was a series of emotional highs and deep. Everytime I begin to feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I remember of my intention. I remember that I am awesome, that my personality seems through, that nobody cares if I'm wearing makeup (and when they do, your opinion is not as important as my own). I remember that I am the only one who has, like how I look natural, because I think that is the most important. I think about all the beautiful women I know, who I see never wear makeup. I see their faces not as ugly, disgusting, or cover up. Why should I see to my own?
I swear, there are times when the close to tears because I I am afraid so, people who tell me that I'm not cute or that I really should take into account a look into a good base to hear. These are the times when I force a smile and create some time to myself to wonder why I think that. Why is it so important for me, to look a certain way? Why should I care what other people think? What is it? By asking the right questions, I can answer, to find peace and clarity in the midst of emotional chaos. I can me centered and keep in mind, that the exterior is me just a small, small part of what makes me beautiful.
What do you think? Your routine beauty is the result of the adjustment or is it to pamper yourself? Would you ever consider doing something?
Shannon Lagasse, self love and emotional eating-trainer teaches women struggling with low self-esteem and an unhealthy relationship with food love as you love her body and love of her life. Through a focus on pleasure and always in the heart of their questioning, Shannon's customers are authorized, freedom from fears food will find and create the life you've always wanted.
For more information about working with Shannon and get their inspirational per article on natural way to get the body and life, what you want, you can visit http://www.breakthroughtobodylove.com/.
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