Okay, it is no secret that exercise is good for you. It makes you stronger, keeps you healthy, gives you an awesome bod too - therefore it makes you look younger, right? But does exercise directly do anything for your skin?
The answer is a definite yes. Exercise works, it isn't only called WORK out because of all the effort you put into doing it, you know?
Younger Skin? How?
To help you understand, let me break up the process for you in a few simple "steps", so to speak.
It Starts With The Heart
Have you ever noticed your heart beat after a good run? What about after lifting a couple of weights? Faster and stronger, right? Exercise, be it cardio or even strength (yes, it isn't only for muscles), gets your heart pumping harder, which is a really good thing.
It's All About Your Blood
You see, when you get moving, so does your blood. We've covered that exercise makes your heart pump harder, which only means better circulation. Whenever you exercise, blood runs all throughout your body.
The Benefits Of Blood Flow To Your Skin
Basically there are two ways that your skin benefits from blood flow.
1. Nourishment
Blood nourishes pretty much all of the cells in your body, even your skin cells. Simple enough right? But let's take an even closer look at what this does.
One of the key nutrients to healthy, glowing, YOUNG skin would definitely have to be oxygen. But aren't the lungs in charge of that? - a common misconception, really. I'm not saying that the lungs don't have any role to play when it comes to that. No denying they have a huge one. But getting it around your body is not it.
They filter not deliver. Your lungs filter the oxygen so that the blood can bring it all around, then back to the heart where the blood gets pumped and back to the lungs where the oxygen gets filtered over again.
Pretty much the same goes for all of the vitamins, such as vitamin E, C, and A which are awesome antioxidants (antioxidant = anti aging), and minerals that are great for your skin.
So basically, it is a very important cycle. The more you exercise, the better your circulation, the more often your blood flows, the more your cells, even skin cells, get nourished.
Plus, did you know that the harder you exercise, the closer your blood gets to your skin? This naturally means that the skin cells get even more nourishment than they would without a regular exercise routine.
Another plus is that exercise actually helps create more blood vessels, which is really good for your heart. If you refer back to the "It Starts With The Heart" part, then what is good for your heart is good for your skin.
2. Eliminates Waste
Detoxifying or getting rid of waste will naturally give you a nice healthy glow. When it comes to dead skin cells, sure there are tons of ways for you to slough them off. You can use an exfoliant, for instance. This will help speed up the turnover resulting in better skin. But what about the dead cells that you can't get no matter how good a scrub you've got? I'm talking about the ones within your body.
Enter macrophages. Macro-what? Macrophages are special white blood cells that specifically seek out the dead cells in our body then they pretty much eat away.
Fun Fact: Wanna know what macrophage means in Greek? The Answer- Big Eater. Ah, doesn't that explain a lot?
So again, since these dead cell eating scavengers of sorts need a good circulation to get around more, it all links back to exercise and just how it can do wonders for your skin.
And So...
After all of that, it is rather fair dare I say (actually it is scientifically proven) that tying up your running shoes (and then running or jogging of course!) may be one of the best ways to stay young. But do know that one work out will not do any wonders. Stick to a regular exercise routine (see tips for anti-aging exercise to get started), throw in a good diet, (see the top 5 anti-aging foods you should be eating) and you are on the road to anti aging success.
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